Friday 1 March 2013

The Makeup Show 2013 Face Chart Contest

The Makeup Show 2013 Face Chart Contest

The Makeup Show L.A. celebrates its five year day with face , a contest targeted on the art of the face . throughout this contest, a world cluster of artists used makeup to interpret, craft, and recreate painting art photos onto The Makeup Show Face Chart.

The Makeup Show L.A. has chosen variety of the foremost effective samples of artists from all areas of the trade, UN agency have used this medium, to suggests the unlimited potential and risk of the face chart. instead of that features photos, the face chart was chosen as a result of the theme of the competition so as that each makeup creator might showcase their talents in an exceedingly} very plenty of direct, immediate approach.

The goal: re-create a notable and recognizable piece of art on these charts have shown the infinite prospects for capturing depth, dimension, and conjointly the drama of art from any quantity. they have re-imagined and build notable (and infamous!) fine artists through the simple face chart, whereas sharing their art and vision with our makeup community.

The winners of The Makeup Show L.A.’s initial face chart contest area unit eligible for unnumberable prizes including:

 a variety of makeup and accessories that options frame For Ever, Tempt Pro, Nars Cosmetics, Smash box Cosmetics, metal bar Cosmetics, neurotic  Compulsive Cosmetics, The Powder cluster TPG skilled Membership and Plastic Pack Set, and conjointly the Makeup Show Brush Set.
    Announcement and a feature among the Makeup Show report and a featured spot on The Makeup Show journal.
 a locality of a writing story on Beauty, along side image and credit.

The Makeup Show L.A. will occur March second and third, 2013 at 100 10 East ninth St., la. Tickets area unit usually purchased on-line here or at the door the day of the show.

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